Monday, June 2, 2008

Happy 6th Woof Day Takoda!

Happy 6th Woof Day Takoda!, originally uploaded by WOOF Factory.

Takoda got a brand new collar! Her very first pink one... although once her fur poofed back out you really can't see it!

Her favorite present though was a McCheeseburger of her very own...

Takoda's eyes almost popped out of her furry little head when she found out it was all hers! It took her a full five minutes to disassemble and eat her burger prey. Meat first, bun last, hold the pickle.

1 comment:

victoria said...

I love her eyes, Morgan always looks at me like that when he thinks I have food. :) last time he got a cheeseburger it was gone in the time between pick up window and leaving the parking lot hehehe