Sunday, June 15, 2008

Dog Riding on a Recumbent Bike!

Recumbent bike riding dog, originally uploaded by WOOF Factory.

THIS DOG ROCKS! Seen in Downtown Des Moines today, this Terrier guy has his own little platform to stand on and ride along. Check out his awesome shades and beads!

What a great way to travel!

For more ideas on ways to bike with your dog, check out this WOOF Factory page>


victoria said...

awww cute! I just started biking Morgan and for a little guy he does really well. We dont' go too fast. Now I just need a basket for long rides so I can put him in it. :P

Woof Factory said...

YAY Morgan!

I bet he loves it! I want to get a bike trailer so I can pull around the big dogs when they get tired... we saw a border collie riding to the park in one and it was SO cute! : )